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CAEスケッチングツール, ConceptWorksリリース

MeshWorksに搭載されている全ての新機能は、"よりスマートなソリューションをつくりたい”という社員の熱意と努力が反映されています。ConceptWorksの開発にあたり、どのレベルのエンジニアであっても3, 4時間の操作トレーニングを受けるだけで簡単に扱えるツール設計にすることに注力しました。
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Virtual Validation and its role in product development

Virtual Validation and its role in product development
Virtual validation is an important part of the product development process in a multitude of sectors, including automotive, aircraft, defence, biomedical, heavy engineering, consumer products, energy, and electronics. Virtual validation, which began as a design verification activity, has progressed over time and is now at the forefront of product design, where it plays a critical role in guaranteeing safety and precision at the early stages of the product development cycle. As a result, CAE software such as DEP MeshWorks is employed, which is excellent at managing high-quality models at all phases of the product development process and provides an integrated CAE platform that enables users to utilize virtual validation while optimizing workflows. There is now less reliance on physical prototypes due to maturity and confidence in the virtual validation process.
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Manufacturing Today India Magazine (Print)
The Future of Aerodynamics Design:Virtual Validation

The Future of Aerodynamics Design: Virtual Validation
As the trend toward fifth-generation technology accelerates, aerodynamics and virtual validation are becoming increasingly crucial for combat aircraft. Virtual validation for aerodynamics would give rich insights to designers in areas like as stealth features, surfaces for lowering Frontal Radar Cross Section (RCS) requirements, and the design of complicated air intakes for the fifth generation. As we piece together the future, we anticipate a convergence toward zero-emission flights and other propulsion alternatives, including hybridization. On the commercial aircraft side, virtual validation in aerodynamics is becoming increasingly important as engineers strive to design more efficient wings with wingtips, smoother nacelle front ends, and airframe noise reducers as structural alternatives. On the defense application front, we can readily judge the utility of virtual validation because the drive is more towards multi-role, Fifth Generation, and studies that go beyond diverse propulsion choices, not excluding scramjets.

CEO Insights Magazine (Print)

DEP MeshWorks is happy to announce new strategic partnership with KOMES
We are pleased to announce that we have joined forces with KOMES SP.ZO.O as a step towards global growth. We are widening our network with KOMES SP.ZO.O as our Poland Regional Representation team and aiming to strategically accelerate product development process based on sustainable innovation in the Poland geography. This collaboration is to focus on strong product development process. We are positioning DEP & KOMES joint support for developing accelerated process in advanced engineering design, high-level engineering simulation, and product development. We intend to examine the portals of the Polish market together and build stronger business networks that will help both the companies.
The simulation market is changing in a number of ways. It mainly includes incorporating new capabilities, leveraging machine learning & artificial intelligence, lowering adoption barriers and making it easier to use, and expanding its value to larger audiences through collaboration and data accessibility. As a direct outcome of this collaboration, both Detroit Engineered Products (DEP) and KOMES SP.ZO.O will be able to reach out to more customers, in need of smarter software solutions.

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DEP’s offerings in Digital Twin plays a key role in product development in Industry 5.0
Industry 4.0 brought in tremendous changes to the product development process. Industry 4.0 provided the framework for designing products that were connected, at times 3D printed. The framework for computing moved from HPC to Cluster almost unlocking the potential in terms of simulations. Detroit Engineered Products’ (DEP) Digital Twin offering was a significant aspect of Industry 4.0. The transformation was relevant to several industrial verticals, catering to product conceptualization, product design, product validation, and manufacturing. This brought about a change for businesses and simultaneously, set to bring about Digital Structure and Culture.
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